Street Light Problems

To report street light issues to the Villas Property Manager click here. Modify the email to include your name, unit number, the location of the problem streetlight and what's wrong with it. Such as...

Property Manager: You can report outtages and other issues with the light poles at the Duke Energy (formerly Progress Energy) Street Light Page.

Here is the list of leased street lights and the nearest unit number. Remember that unit numbers are all even or all odd in a buidling when trying to locate the proper light.

Nearest Unit # Pole Number
#102 BH35-99S5C12501 SKP 10/99 FPC
#105 B277010
#110 B277009
#122 B277008
#135 B109068
#137 BH30-99S5C2501 SKP 05/02 FPC
#140 B109070
#147-#149 B109069