Villas Entry Sign Project 2008
This project involves replacing the original Villas of Lake Destiny entrance sign with a permanent resin based copy. The original sign was wooden and is now in poor shape. In addition, we would like a second (smaller or logo only) sign for the west entrance to help direct visitors into the Villas.
Google "Custom Resin signs" for some possible vendors.
For reference, the flower on the logo is a Bird of Paradise.
Current Sign on East Side
The dimensions of the sign to be replaced (see pictures below) are 90 inches in total length, the circular area is 34 inches in diameter and the main area of the sign where the lettering appears is 28 inches high.
That sign fits onto the flat portion of the entrance wall (not including the white band and the columns on either side) that is 160 inches wide and 43 inches tall.
Brand New West Entrance Sign
For the west entrance, the area between the columns and below the white band on the left-hand side is 94 inches wide and 45 inches high. For the right side of the entrance the area below the white band and between the columns is 92 inches wide and 39 inches high. We'll need to decide what side we want the sign on.
The size of this sign should be porportional to the area of the wall we have to fill. Or, as an alternative have just the "Villas of Lake Destiny" tab portion made to the same dimentions as the front sign, leaving off the Logo.
Pictures of the original sign
The pictures below show the original sign on the main entryway. Villas Property Manager for additional information about access to the property.
For a better look, download these large-format alternatives (Right Click and choose "Save zTarget As"...)
Full Sign (972k)Right-Hand Detail (995K)
Left-hand Detail (1,110K)
Sign in Context (1,102K)
Dimensions Noted (641k)